Welcome to Animal Health, your reference Website

We belong to the VISAVET Research Centre from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). We work in research and teaching on animal infectious diseases.

  • Vigiasan: Proyecto de Innovación Empleo de Tecnologías para evaluar el estado de salud, bienestar y productividad en ganado

  • VACDIVA quiere resolver el problema de la Peste Porcina Africana (PPA) en Europa y en los países afectados, desarrollando vacunas seguras y efectivas para cerdos domésticos y jabalíes, tests de diagnóstico y herramientas para estrategias de control y erradicación en Europa
  • Proyecto de Innovación "Empleo de Tecnologías para evaluar el estado de salud, bienestar y productividad en ganado"
  • Somos Laboratorio de Referencia de la Organización Mundial de la Sanidad Animal (OIE) en Peste Porcina Africana (PPA) y Peste Equina Africana PEA.
  • Realizamos el diagnóstico de los principales virus que afectan a las abejas, siendo pioneros en el desarrollo y puesta a punto de nuevas técnicas para su estudio.
  • La investigación epidemiologica de la Peste Porcina Clásica y Africana (PPC y PPA) son dos de nuestras prioridades.


African Swine Fever African Swine Fever videos African Swine Fever Map
Marine Animal Health VACDIVA ASF NIFNAF

Advanced Technologies in Health Surveillance Program

The Community of Madrid has awarded funding for this Program in the area of Agrifood and Biotechnology coordinated by the VISAVET Centre of Complutense University.

The act of granting Programs Activities R & D Technology from 2014 to 2018 was held at the Real Casa de Correos in Madrid on Wednesday, October 22nd and was chaired by the Community of Madrid President, Ignacio Gonzalez, the Education, Youth and Sports Councillor, Mrs. Lucia Figar, and Education, Youth and Sports Deputy Councilor Mrs. Alicia Delibes.

Programa Tecnologías Avanzadas en Vigilancia Sanitaria

The Adavance Technnologies in Health Surveillance (ATHS) programme proposes the application of emerging technologies in the agrifood area to improve the quality and food safety together with the eficiency in agricultural and livestock production, following the recomendations by the FAO, European Union and WHO for next decades. The programme framework covers the whole food chain according to the approach “from the farm to the fork. ”.

The ATHS consortium is a multidisciplinary team of 13 complementary research groups leaders in Public and Animal Health, Food Safety and Environment. They belong to five of the most renowned Spanish scientific institutions (Universidad Complutense Madrid (UCM), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) y Centro de Investigaciones, Energéticas, Medioambientales, y Tecnologías (CIEMAT).

More information:
Granted the Advanced Technologies in Health Surveillance Program
Official Bulletin of the Community of Madrid

Was euthanasia for Excalibur the right choice?

Interview in the Spanish National Television, RTVE.

José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Professor of Animal Health, said that to sacrifice Excalibur (the dog of the spanish nurse infected with Ebola, Teresa Romero) was the correct decision.

"I think it was the most appropriate thing to do", he said, given the high probability of infection of the dog and the lack of conditions to maintain biosecurity quarantine Excalibur.


New restriction map of Bluetongue in Europe

October 2014

European Commission has carried out the modification of the restriction zones for Bluetongue serotypes in Europe. The restriction zones are located in the countries: Portugal (serotypes 1 and 4), Spain (serotypes 1 and 4), Italy (serotypes 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 and 16), Malta (no serotype), Cyprus (serotypes 4 and 16), Greece (4 and 16), France (serotypes 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16) and the UK (serotypes 1 and 8), including new countries as Bulgaria (serotype 4), Romania (serotype 4) and Hungary (serotype 4). Spain has increased the restriction zones for Bluetongue serotype 4 due to the notification of 52 new outbreaks in the provinces of Córdoba, Ciudad Real, Seville and Badajoz from the September, 2014.

Fig.: Restriction areas for different serotypes of Bluetongue in Europe as of October, 2014.Source: European Commission

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Fig.: Restriction areas for different serotypes of Bluetongue in Europe as of October, 2014.
Source: European Commission

Links: European Comission / RASVE

Almudena Sánchez Matamoros & José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
20/10/2014 - SUAT-UCM

Outbreak of Bluetongue located outside of the restriction zone

First outbreak of bluetongue located outside of the current restriction zone disease in Spain (Córdoba)

First outbreak of bluetongue located outside of the current restriction zone disease in Spain (Córdoba)An outbreak of bluetongue serotype 4 has been notified in September outside of the current restriction zone in the Córdoba province (Figure). Confirmation of this outbreak increase the restriction area against serotypes 1 and 4, as well as the compulsory vaccination program against serotype 4. Similarly, vaccination of susceptible animals is recommended in the risk area of reintroduction of this serotype. In the same way, the Spanish authorities have strengthened prevention, surveillance and control in the area.

Figure 1: First outbreak of bluetongue located outside of the restriction zone. Source: Red de Alerta Sanitaria (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente).

Almudena Sánchez Matamoros & José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
26/09/2014 - SUAT-UCM