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We belong to the VISAVET Research Centre from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). We work in research and teaching on animal infectious diseases.

  • Vigiasan: Proyecto de Innovación Empleo de Tecnologías para evaluar el estado de salud, bienestar y productividad en ganado

  • VACDIVA quiere resolver el problema de la Peste Porcina Africana (PPA) en Europa y en los países afectados, desarrollando vacunas seguras y efectivas para cerdos domésticos y jabalíes, tests de diagnóstico y herramientas para estrategias de control y erradicación en Europa
  • Proyecto de Innovación "Empleo de Tecnologías para evaluar el estado de salud, bienestar y productividad en ganado"
  • Somos Laboratorio de Referencia de la Organización Mundial de la Sanidad Animal (OIE) en Peste Porcina Africana (PPA) y Peste Equina Africana PEA.
  • Realizamos el diagnóstico de los principales virus que afectan a las abejas, siendo pioneros en el desarrollo y puesta a punto de nuevas técnicas para su estudio.
  • La investigación epidemiologica de la Peste Porcina Clásica y Africana (PPC y PPA) son dos de nuestras prioridades.


African Swine Fever African Swine Fever videos African Swine Fever Map
Marine Animal Health VACDIVA ASF NIFNAF

Denmark Outbreak of Schmallenberg disease


Denmark declares the first outbreak of the Schmallenberg disease.

The first season of occurrence of the Schmallenberg disease (SBD) is coming to an end. In fact, on June 1, the eight affected countries declared the resolution of the nearly 3,500 outbreaks suffered from December 2011 to May 2012 in sheep, cattle and goats (Figure 1). 

Primer foco del Virus de Schmallenberg declarado en Dinamarca
Fig. 1: Number of outbreaks of Schmallenberg disease in the eight European countries affected until June 11th, 2012 (Source: self elaboration based on data in WAHID-OIE). In detail, the purple star denotes the first Schmallenberg disease outbreak in cattle in Fyn (Denmark); the blue cross indicates the first seropositive animals in Jutland.


However, on June 6, Denmark declared the first case of SBD on the island of Funen (Figure 1, detail). This case appeared in a cattle holding in Fyn, where a fetus born with compatible malformations appeared, and the virus could be detected by PCR. No symptoms in adult animals were detected in the holding during autumn 2011, but the mother presented  antibodies against the virus.

Although this is the first confirmed case in Denmark, a total of 56 animals have come to study as compatible cases, but only this one has tested positive to the PCR. In addition, a few weeks before antibodies were detected in two cattle from a farm in Jutland (Figure 1, detail). Furthermore, the virus was detected in pools of Culicoides midges (unspecified species) collected in October 2011.

All these evidences suggest that, like the serotype 8 bluetongue virus, the Schmallenberg virus has been circulating over Europe up to quite northern latitudes. Further studies are needed to understand how this pathogen is transmitted.

Source: http://www.flutrackers.com/forum/


Víctor Rodríguez Prieto & José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno


Section of sanidadnimal.info dedicated to Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

National Ovine Forum

From May 22nd to 24th in Aranda del Duero. Victor Rodríguez Prieto from SUAT group talk about "Emerging diseases in ovine: blue tongue  & Schmallenberg virus".

Program of meeting


Course on Classic & African Swine Fever

Early and Rapid Nuclear and Nuclear-Related Diagnostic and Tracing Technologies for African and Classic Swine Fever

José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno & Lina Mur have participated to the Regional Training Course on "Early and Rapid Nuclear and Nuclear-Related Diagnostic and Tracing Technologies for African and Classic Swine Fever". From 21st to 25th of May of 2012 in Seibersdorf, Austria thar was hosted by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Many countries participated: Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Tajikistan, Republic of Macedonia and Turkey.