Welcome to Animal Health, your reference Website

We belong to the VISAVET Research Centre from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). We work in research and teaching on animal infectious diseases.

  • Vigiasan: Proyecto de Innovación Empleo de Tecnologías para evaluar el estado de salud, bienestar y productividad en ganado

  • VACDIVA quiere resolver el problema de la Peste Porcina Africana (PPA) en Europa y en los países afectados, desarrollando vacunas seguras y efectivas para cerdos domésticos y jabalíes, tests de diagnóstico y herramientas para estrategias de control y erradicación en Europa
  • Proyecto de Innovación "Empleo de Tecnologías para evaluar el estado de salud, bienestar y productividad en ganado"
  • Somos Laboratorio de Referencia de la Organización Mundial de la Sanidad Animal (OIE) en Peste Porcina Africana (PPA) y Peste Equina Africana PEA.
  • Realizamos el diagnóstico de los principales virus que afectan a las abejas, siendo pioneros en el desarrollo y puesta a punto de nuevas técnicas para su estudio.
  • La investigación epidemiologica de la Peste Porcina Clásica y Africana (PPC y PPA) son dos de nuestras prioridades.


African Swine Fever African Swine Fever videos African Swine Fever Map
Marine Animal Health VACDIVA ASF NIFNAF

Virus in the luggage?

Could African swine fever and Classical swine fever viruses enter into the United States via swine products carried in air passengers’ luggage? 

New research article published in Transboundary and Emerging Diseases journal.

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Epidemiological surveillance and innovative systems for the early detection of diseases in swine and cattle industry

Vigilancia Epidemiológica y sistemas innovadores de detección temprana de enfermedades en el sector porcino y bovino

The event is organized by the Vet + i Foundation, the Veterinary Health Surveillance Center (VISAVET). Expert speakers in animal health will represent, among others, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the National Association of Porcine Cattle Producers (ANPROGAPOR) and the Spanish Association of Producers of Beef Cattle (ASOPROVAC). Next Monday, July 23, Madrid. Free access.

Main speeches will focus on the surveillance of animal diseases, from the economic and health point of view, the biosecurity and design of new diagnostic methods, the early detection systems, based on new technologies, and the innovations in surveillance of animal diseases, specifically in porcine and bovine livestock species.

Aimed to professionals of Animal Health (industry, veterinarians, researchers, etc.).

This activity is part of the Operational Group 2018 entitled "Epidemiological Surveillance and transfer: detection of diseases in swine and cattle populations". 

Event date and place: Next Monday, July 23 at the facilities of the Veterinary Health Surveillance Center (VISAVET) at the Complutense University of Madrid, Puerta de Hierro Avenue, NN, 28040, Madrid, morning.

Mapping apicultural placements: key to animal health in beekeeping

The Vet + i Foundation, the Veterinary Health Surveillance Center (VISAVET), and the Association of Beekeepers of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (APISCAM), with the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Coordinator of Farmers and Livestock Organizations (COAG-IR) organize this workshop. July 20, 2018, Madrid. Free access.

The workshop will be carried out by bee health experts and will focus on the main problems and diseases that affect the health of apiaries, and the importance of monitoring the bee diseases, mainly associated with sanitary and environmental factors, among others.

Aimed to professionals of Animal Health (industry, veterinarians, researchers, etc.). This activity is part of the Operational Group 2018 entitled "Preparation of a suitability map for apicultural locations".

Event date and place: July 20 at the facilities of the Veterinary Sanitary Surveillance Center (VISAVET) at the Complutense University of Madrid, Puerta de Hierro Avenue, NN, 28040, Madrid, morning.


African Swine Fever - soon all over Europe?

European Parlament

Prof. José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno participates today, 19th of June, as guest speaker at the European Parliament Seminar: African swine fever, soon all over Europe?

The African Swine Fever disease is advancing dangerously in Central and Eastern Europe since 2014. In the seminar will be discussed, together with other experts, the possible solutions and ways of cooperation to try to stop in an efficient way the advance of the African Swine Fever in Europe.


UCM-Kansas State University Research Collaboration

This week we have the pleasure of hosting Dr. Jürgen A. Richt, Regents Distinguished Professor and Eminent Scholar for Kansas Bioscience Authority, from Kansas State University.

The visit is focused on fostering the collaboration between Kansas State University and SUAT-UCM in the exchange of knowledge concerning ASF new diagnosis methods.

UCM-Kansas State University Research Collaboration