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We belong to the VISAVET Research Centre from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). We work in research and teaching on animal infectious diseases.

  • Vigiasan: Proyecto de Innovación Empleo de Tecnologías para evaluar el estado de salud, bienestar y productividad en ganado

  • VACDIVA quiere resolver el problema de la Peste Porcina Africana (PPA) en Europa y en los países afectados, desarrollando vacunas seguras y efectivas para cerdos domésticos y jabalíes, tests de diagnóstico y herramientas para estrategias de control y erradicación en Europa
  • Proyecto de Innovación "Empleo de Tecnologías para evaluar el estado de salud, bienestar y productividad en ganado"
  • Somos Laboratorio de Referencia de la Organización Mundial de la Sanidad Animal (OIE) en Peste Porcina Africana (PPA) y Peste Equina Africana PEA.
  • Realizamos el diagnóstico de los principales virus que afectan a las abejas, siendo pioneros en el desarrollo y puesta a punto de nuevas técnicas para su estudio.
  • La investigación epidemiologica de la Peste Porcina Clásica y Africana (PPC y PPA) son dos de nuestras prioridades.


African Swine Fever African Swine Fever videos African Swine Fever Map
Marine Animal Health VACDIVA ASF NIFNAF

Body temperature and motion: Evaluation of an online monitoring system in pigs challenged with Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome Virus

New research article published in Research in Veterinary Science journal.

Research in Veterinary ScienceHighly contagious and emerging diseases cause significant losses in the pig producing industry worldwide. Rapid and exact acquisition of real-time data, like body temperature and animal movement from the production facilities would enable early disease detection and facilitate adequate response. In this study, carried out within the European Union research project RAPIDIA FIELD, we tested an online monitoring system on pigs experimentally infected with the East European subtype 3 Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) strain Lena. We linked data from different body temperature measurement methods and the real-time movement of the pigs.

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Iowa seminars

Professor José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno will hold two seminars during his stay at Iowa:

  • Agoust 3rd: “Borders vs Traceability; Tax vs Data” Iowa State University
  • Agoust 4th: “What happen with ASF in Europe” National Center of Disease Research in Iowa 

Iowa Jose Manuel Sanchez-Vizcaino

Borders vs Traceability; Tax vs Data

Iowa State University

Dr. José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno

Thursday, Aug. 3
12 noon

Vet Med Room 1226

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José Manuel Sánchez-VizcaínoDr. Sanchez-Vizcaino is the director of the OIE reference laboratory for African Swine Fever and a full professor of animal health at the Veterinary School of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Spain. The scientific contributions of Professor Sanchez-Vizcaino have notably contributed to the control and eradication of various animal diseases, among them the African Swine Disease, Horse Sickness and Classical Swine Disease. All of that thanks to the development of new methods and fast and sensitive diagnostic reagents, new epidemiologic strategies as well as the development of new vaccines.

His current scientific interest is centered in the study of animal infectious diseases and particularly in the development of new diagnostic techniques and new strategies for its control by means of analyzing the risk and development of epidemiologic models as well as establishing networks for sanitary monitoring.


José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno at Iowa State University Seminar